Acrobats, Ariel performers & Tightrope walkers

You need to put on a show or want a different kind of ‘wow’ factor to greet your guests, or you want to use as a distraction when you are changing scenery.  Well why not hire some fabulous Acrobats that can put on an amazing choreographed performance jumping over your crowd or through fire. 

Another act to consider hiring is Ariel performers which can be quite beautiful to watch and guaranteed to please your guests. Imagine the scene, your guests have sat in their seats a few hoops or ribbons come down over your guest heads and the most dazzling display of performers gracefully move in sync like ballerinas in the sky. Hiring a tightrope walker could also be considered as an act to bring some adventure and excitement to an event. They can walk high up over your crowd’s heads taking entertaining to another level.

If we have inspired you to book any of these great acts, simply look on our gallery to see which acts would be perfect for your event. You can book online and your chosen act will be in contact directly soon after.