The wonderful world of Roald Dahl

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

What a wonderful party this would be! There is no doubt a brilliant opportunity for caterers to get imaginative and conjure up all sorts of delicious treats for guests but it also presents a brilliant theme for entertainment as well. Hire a Willy Wonka costume, hire dancers for your event to be oompha loompas and can no doubt put together a magical repertoire of acts to truly make you feel as though you’ve stepped into Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.


The Natural History Museum’s Hitze Hall would be a wonderful setting for a Roald Dahl themed party, certainly a large enough room for some of the magic that will undoubtedly take place as a Matilda event reaches its peak. A digital graffiti wall would be a wonderful addition whilst magicians would be an obvious addition to the occasion. Illusions on the stairs amongst Dippy the Dinosaur will surely be a must see! Just make sure you avoid Miss Trunchbull, the scariest of all costumed characters!!


Imagine attending a party where everything is giant-sized! That’d certainly make Roald Dahl party games more fun! From the chairs made out of cotton reels to a scone the size of a table, this is sure to be a 2016 party theme to celebrate the release of the Steven Spielberg film! Wouldn’t that be fun? Giant pencils and mugs can function as theming props whilst the BFG himself can lurk outside a window. But what of the entertainment? With some sneaky production, it’d be possible to magnify the image of a band or circus troupe so that giants are really performing at your event! That’d be a must see as you munch on the snozzcumbers.

James and the Giant Peach

As far as we’re aware, there isn’t a venue in London or the rest of the UK that’s been hollowed out from the inside of a peach but no matter, we you always create one. Okay, perhaps not a real peach but for a James and the Giant Peach party, we think repurposing a circular venue such as the Royal Albert Hall, the London Planetarium or the Round House will be perfect. After that, we can then work on the entertainment.

The Twits

For a final idea, we thought we’d go for spectacle over practicality. You see, as any fan of The Twits will tell you, there are a number of moments in the story that stick out to a reader, not least the finale where The Twits believe they’re upside down. As such, how about sticking everything to the ceiling of your venue and having an ‘upside down’ party? With bird pie on the menu (or not, as the case may be), various practical jokes provided by top comedians and hired party magicians and a few wonderful costumed characters to play the titular characters, there is more than enough here to create a brilliant (albeit highly expensive and unsafe) event. But hey, The Twits themselves would probably enjoy it!