The ultimate surprise

When you’re planning an event, you want to keep your guests entertained throughout, so the energy and enjoyment never dips. Giving them something new just when they are least expecting it is a great way to create a buzz, and to give guests something to talk about apart from the food or the football! And nothing fits the bill quite like a surprise act, be it singing waiters, firemen, or chefs.

Hiring singing waiters, policemen, firemen and a whole host of other comedy singing acts from Red Masque directory to make your event unforgettable. Discover what surprise event entertainment for hire we offer and how they’ll positively impact your event!

The idea is really simple; your guests have no idea that the waiter who has been serving them, or the fireman who seems to be worried about the smoke alarms, are in fact highly talented singers, ready to grab a microphone and burst into song. As one waiter starts to sing, another suddenly joins in, and then a ‘guest’ can’t seem to resist joining in either. It’s particularly effective during a formal dinner.

It’s a great way of breaking up a meal and giving your guests something hugely entertaining when they are least expecting it!

The voices, the energy, the performance, they are all something that you just can’t duplicate in any other way. The ‘singing waiters’ introduction is a light way to create a surprise and add a great deal of fun.

What the guests see, of course, is just the end product of a great deal of planning and preparation. Professional entertainment acts make sure that everyone behind the scenes is in the know and fully prepared, while the real guests haven’t a clue what’s going on! It’s also about preparing a scenario that is perfect for your event.