Teenage Kicks

Are you wanting to have a party to keep your friends entertained? How about hiring some music entertainment to get the party started? Here at Red Mask we have the perfect solution for teenage fun, where Rappers and Beatbox performers are plentiful and street dancers to interact with your guests, teach and perform are always a great option for the younger generation always guarantee to make a party one to remember. You will be the envy of your school friends if you hire one of these amazing acts and it’s the perfect way to get involved and interested in a new project. The professionals here at Red Masque are willing to work with their clients requirements to produce the best results for your party entertainment.

If you’re really wanting to wow then why not hire an Escapologist to put on an up-to-the –minute death defying act that would amaze the most sceptical of your guests!! An edge of your seat performance which leave little time for the escapologist to escape un-hurt. Contortionists can also be found here at Red Masque and are another great choice with performances to amaze; these contortionists can be part of a magic act where they can fit into the most impossible places making us believe that they have disappeared.

You can play with your guests minds and bring in the ultimate Illusionists and mind readers. The modern day illusionists are getting more advanced with their clever tricks that will misdirect you to looking elsewhere even though you thought you had your eye firmly on the ball – these professional and extremely clever illusionists will fool you time and time again and you will believe in Magic!!! Hiring a Hypnotist for a party can be an absolute scream, you just need to select your guests who are willing to participate and let the rest enjoy. 

You will be safe in the knowledge that whatever Hypnotist, clairvoyant and Illusionist you choose to book will be professional, highly acclaimed and the top of their game.