Stag & Hen party ideas

If you have the task of organising a Hen or Stag night you are going to have to ensure it is a memorable one – in a good way! Of course you will know the Bride or Groom well and you’re aware of what they possibly would like to have. You probably have a list of ideas already bubbling away and you may even have some possibilities of a venue. However, if you aren’t sure what to do or you want to add something different into the mix, Red Masque entertainment directory may be able to help take some of the strain away as we have some great suggestions for Hen & Stag night themed evenings. Before you start you might want to consider the following factors:

Before you book anything, firstly, you need a good idea of guest numbers. Ask the Bride or Groom who they want to be invited and show them the list of names before you fire off an email so you are sure everyone who needs to be is included.

Theme – When deciding on the theme, try not to surprise the Bride or Groom too much of course, there should be an element of surprise but make sure that what you choose is something they will enjoy. For an example, your shy, retiring Bride might not want a male strip-o-gram or similarly a Groom with a love of opera may not want to spend the weekend riding on a bucking bronco.

Budget – the money that is spent is very important. Canvas the guest list and find out what everyone wants to spend. Don’t start sharing amounts with all the guests as some can afford more than others. Take an average and suggest that be the limit. It’s normal for everyone to contribute (if they can) but the Bride or Groom should not have to pay. At the same time as organising the budget, suggest suitable dates in advance. Once you have decided the guest list, date and budget you are ready to decide what to do! A good tip is not to make the hen or stag night too close to the wedding; leave at least a week for recovery time!

You could include some extra party entertainment…. Make it a night to remember with a Cocktail Night, perfect for Hens or Stags! Hire your own cocktail waiter for some added fun and enjoy the evening with a few cocktail games. Blow all the budget on champagne or even consider a cocktail making masterclass where you will be taught by a mixologist how to concoct great tasting, potent cocktails before drinking them!  Don’t just turn up at a series of bars or pubs, do the research first so you have an itinerary to avoid not knowing where to go next.

As far as party and event entertainment goes, it doesn’t get better than Red Masque!