NYE Ancient Rituals

The celebration of New Year is one of the oldest annual rituals, observed globally for thousands of years by all the ancient civilizations from the Egyptians and Mayans to the Chinese and Maoris.

It is possible to take part in a New Year celebration almost every month of the year as our own western observance of New Year’s Day on January 1st only came into practice around 400 years ago.

Most of the older traditions base their new year around important social or astrological activities; the Egyptians celebrated the feast of Opet during the Nile’s inundation, the Mayan New Year varies, Chinese New Year changes annually, while the Celtic celebration of Samhain is held around Halloween.

Did you know? The first people to make resolutions were the ancient Babylonians over 4000 years ago, in the belief that whatever they did on the first day of the year would affect their entire year. The ancient Babylonian New Year was dated to the first new moon (visible crescent) after the vernal, or spring, equinox (usually March), so if you need an excuse to party.

Most New Year celebrations incorporate the ideas of fertility and good luck with reviewing the past year whilst hoping for a better year ahead. The customs we follow in the UK stem mainly from old Scottish traditions of Hogmanay, whose roots date back to the pagan mid-winter practice of sun and fire worship which later linked with the Roman winter festival of Saturnalia, a decadent and uninhibited feast of food, wine and fun.

New Year’s Eve Party Ideas
If you’re prepared to travel it’s well worth a visit to Edinburgh’s Hogmanay celebrations. Because most pubs and restaurants get rammed to the rafters, many people prefer to throw a private party. If you hire a party venue it pays to book well in advance, (12 months or more!)

Live Music
For a rocking party, you could book a live band. “Ceilidhs” are perfect for NYE parties and work well with the Scottish Hogmanay theme. Hire a band with a caller to shout out the dance moves and you’re away!

Other popular choices include rock and pop function bands, ratpack / swing bands, soul bands or rock n roll/swing jive bands to keep your guests dancing all evening long.

Also traditional for the strike of midnight, book a Bag Piper!

Fireworks & Event Suppliers
It’s now become traditional to set off fireworks at midnight on New Year’s Eve. Arrange a professional fireworks show from around £1500 or you can buy DIY firework kits from reputable suppliers