Fundraising Ideas

School Fundraising Ideas

Whether you are raising money for tuition, a new computer room, extracurricular activities, or volunteer programs, school fundraising is a must for most schools. There are plenty of great fundraising activities for schools.

Student Serve-a-thon: Create a twist to your typical walk-a-thon or jog-a-thon event and host a serve-a-thon where parents and students work together to serve their community. Instead of walking for a cause, students donate their time mowing the lawn for an elderly neighbour, or cleaning up rubbish at a local park, or tutoring a younger student… this is a great way to earn money while helping those in need. Make your event a greater success by offering prizes to top entertainment performers and classrooms.

School Garage Sale

At least once a year, people clean out cupboards, attics and garages to discover things that are accumulating dust. A community garage sale is a great way for people to get rid of these items while donating to a great cause. An event like this also brings parents, teachers, students and members of the local community together in a social environment. There can be virtually no costs to hosting the event especially if it’s held at the school. All people do is drop off their items, and then organize a group of volunteers to help with sales. Consider adding a coffee and bake-sale as part of the event so people can eat and drink as they shop.

School Fete

Some schools achieve great success hosting a fun, interactive event for the local community. Not only can these fundraising events bring in a great deal of money, but they also provide an excellent opportunity for families and students to socialize. You can raise funds by charging a small admission fee for guests. Then raise additional funds by selling raffle tickets to participate in games, contest or purchase food. You may want to consider bringing in a vendor with bouncy castles or other inflatables. Have each class put together a different themed basket to raffle off.

Sales contest

Product sales are a great way to get students involved in raising funds for your school or organization. Many schools sell sweets, magazines, holiday items, and gift or discount cards. There are many benefits of selling discount cards. They are small and portable with a low overhead cost, and can be easily mailed at the cost of first class mail because of their size. Be sure to add in incentives and awards for top fundraisers to build in some healthy competition and encourage participants to raise more money.

Sports Fundraising events

Sports fundraising ideas provides a great way for coaches, parents, and schools to raise funds for new equipment, team uniforms, or travel funds for competitions. In addition, sports fundraising teaches children the importance of community service and being part of something larger than themselves. Sports fundraisers can also tie in values such as teamwork, sportsmanship and more.

Football fundraising

Fundraising is a great way for football teams, summer leagues and traveling teams to earn extra money for team uniforms, new equipment, training tools, entry fees and referee fees for traveling teams. Why not organise a sponsored football kick about or a penalty shoot-out? Don’t forget to buy some medals for the winners.

Dance Team Fundraising

If you are a dance or cheerleader team, consider hosting a dance-a-thon. This type of fundraiser works just like any walk-a-thon, however instead of walking… participants are dancing! Pick a day where dance team members and teachers teach dance lessons to others in the community. Incorporate fun dance performances as well to keep attendees entertained. Bring on a local business to sponsor and give all participants a t-shirt.

Team-Building Events

Another interesting idea for teams with older participants is a “team-building” fundraising event, such as a fundraising treasure hunt or relay race. Teams must delegate about the most efficient route to take, assign team members roles, and work together to accomplish their goals. This could be a great fundraising idea for a debate team or chess team. Funds are raised through team registration fees, plus individual pledge donation requirements.