Entertainment for your award ceremony

Let’s take a look at how you can have our very own awards show, and how to make it extra special and fabulous ways to improve the awards evening using event entertainment.

Cocktail Maker
Why not make getting a drink a little bit more fun than usual? The easy way to do this is to hire a few cocktail makers who understand the art of theatrics and entertainment in putting together a cocktail. It is not simply pouring a few liquids together but perhaps setting it alight, throwing it up and down and adding an umbrella at the end.

Vintage Paparazzi
With vintage paparazzi at your event, everybody will get their photo taken and feel like their privacy is being invaded just like the celebrities you see in the paper. Great fun and you’ll get to sigh with relief that it doesn’t happen to you every day!

Live Show
This is pretty obvious but many people don’t really ever think about it, despite the fact that every famous awards show tends to begin with an exciting opening. Simply look on Twitter the day after a big awards bash and no doubt an eight-minute host – a massive song and dance routine will have had the crowd in raptures. You might not have the budget to hire ​James Corden ​, but there are always other options. An indoor fire display is sure to get the pulse racing ahead of the nominations.

Awards Stings
We’ve all seen awards shows on television and to be honest, they all do the same frustrating thing when somebody wins an award. The lucky winner stands up, hugs a few people nearby and then proceeds to the stage whilst a brass band play. A brass band? This is 2018! Let’s liven it up a bit. If you hire a beatbox crew, you get an astonishing slice of entertainment every few minutes.

Event magic

Magic is undoubtedly an ancient art. The earliest reported magic trick (the ‘cup and balls’ trick) is almost 5,000 years old (2,700 BC) by Dedi in ancient Egypt. The same trick was performed over 2,000 years ago in ancient Rome.

The cup and ball trick has been used for centuries since by street hustlers to con people out of money. In fact, throughout time magic has often been used to trick people into believing that the magician held some other kind of ‘power’, such as great gambling skill, the ability to make mechanical objects that are ‘alive’, or the possession of almost miraculous skills at lock-picking, psychic abilities or psychological ‘mind-reading’.

Another example of an ancient magic trick is the ‘Indian rope trick’. The trick is performed outside. The magician throws a rope up into the air. The rope surprising stays standing up, reaching up into the air. The Magician’s boy assistant then climbs up the rope and apparently disappears into thin air at the top. The magician then climbs up the rope and also disappears. The audience hear them argue, then the limbs of the boy all fall down to the ground. The magician comes back down, places the boy’s limbs into a basket, and the live boy climbs back out.

Recent researchers have claimed that the magician hypnotised all the audience at once, and performed the trick at dusk, with the low sun in the eyes, near a tree with low-hanging branches, which could have held the top of the rope up.

A lot of ancient magic came out of tricks used to cheat people at gambling. Playing cards have long been used in magic tricks. Although their exact origin is a mystery, it’s widely believed that playing cards were invented in China. They then arrived in Europe, via Egypt, around the late 13th Century. The four suits of this pack were different to the ones we have today, they were polo sticks, coins, swords, and cups. The modern design originated in France in 1480.

The best modern example of the use of magic tricks to fool the public into believing that the performer has some amazing mind-reading skills. Sometimes, however, they act like they are not a magician but are genuine mind-readers, using advanced psychological, or even psychic techniques.

Whilst we should admire the ingenuity and skill of magicians who put on honestly described performances, we believe we should remain alert to those who claim additional powers when in fact they are just using the traditional effects of trickery

The History of the DJ

Whilst everyone knows what a DJ is, few people know the rich history regarding the rise of the DJ over more traditional forms of live music and entertainment. What most readers definitely aren’t aware of is that the history of the DJ goes back to the 1800’s before radio’s were even invented.

The precursor to the DJ was the invention of the phonograph, the first device ever invented to play music. Invented in 1877, it was closely followed by the gramophone records in 1892. Soon after, these records went into commercial production and marked the first time ever the public was able to purchase music.

The tipping point happened in 1906, when the first ever radio transmission was sent. This was not only a defining moment in the world of the DJ, but in human history itself.

1909, however, was the year in which the 1st ever DJ spun a record. Ray Newbie from California is officially recognised as the 1st DJ to ever hit the airwaves (and that is a pretty cool name to have by 1909 standards.) Although just 16 at the time, Ray or “DJ Newbie” used to pump the music, as him and his team kept the music going 7 days a week, with the exception of a bit of downtime during World War I.

It wasn’t until 25 years later, however, that the term DJ or Disc Jockey was ever coined. Prior to then, the guys behind the scenes were called “record men” instead of DJs.

Up until this point, the DJ was in charge of selecting music, not mixing it. What brought the DJ out of the shadows and into the mainstream however was the growth in bars, nightclubs and discotheques, as well as the fact turntables and DJ equipment became cheap enough for average people to afford.

Shortly after, DJs were transformed by the Hip Hop culture by Afrika Baambaata who invented the 5 pillars of hip hop music and culture, of which DJing and turntablism is one. (For those who aren’t aware, the 5 pillars are DJing, rapping, breaking, graffiti and knowledge.)

Today, however, the best DJs are from the electronic music genre, in particular trance music with DJs such as DJ Tiesto, Armin Van Buuren, and Paul Van Dyk.

Wanna your track to be heard by thousands of people? Club Dance Mixes gives you the opportunity to promote your music!

Planning New Year

New year is that time of year when we start to reevaluate our lives, think about what the year has brought us and how we can smash the next with bigger and more exciting adventures. Whether you are having a small New Year party with close family and friends at home or planning a huge blow-out ball Red Masque have entertainment to suit all event shapes and sizes. So, we thought we would put together a list of fabulous acts up grabs for the 31st, that will really make your night shine…

Want to leave your guests begging for more? Busking Bellas are an exceptional, and are completely unplugged and acoustic who can get mingle with your guests on the dance floor by recreating some of your all-time favourite songs with flare, creativity and excellent fluidity.

Caricaturists are a brilliant way to entertain the guests and to salvage some memories from the year. They can work the room quickly and smoothly producing 10-12 full-body caricatures per hour, while you guests are chatting and soaking up with atmosphere. No matter what your event is celebrating, ensure your guests take home a memorable free gift from you. Caricatures for corporate events, weddings and parties. We highly recommend extremely talented artists for guests entertainment,

Get together enough people to fill a dance floor – then book Swing Patrol and we assure you – they will do the rest! The talented team of swing dancers can bring exciting floor shows, fun and friendly dance lessons or just a great group of dancing couples to social dance and add atmosphere to your event.

Calling all Dancing Queens! Abba’s Angels reproduce the original vocals perfectly whilst performing professional choreographed dance routines just like the real ABBA! Featuring some incredibly talented singers and musicians they offer one of the most captivating and authentic tributes to one of the greatest bands of all time.

Intimate dinner party acts


The cello is the perfect sound for a classy dinner private party amongst a few choice guests. It has a sound that many people absolutely adore, its low timbre fitting perfectly with a number of other instruments or in a solo setting.


The Violin is popular entertainment for private parties and corporate events, no matter intimate or otherwise. Mixing a Cello and a Violin are extremely popular which fits for virtually any occasion. Another act combination that people enjoy for intimate dinner parties is violin and…


The harp is a gorgeous, gentle instrument that many adore but rather interestingly, rarely get to experience live. It could be because it’s a rather bulky instrument for a child to play, so many performers actually learn when they’re adults. Perfect as an accompaniment to dinner, the harp is also great in combination with strings or woodwind.


Pianists are fantastic for creating mood and providing a soundtrack to your evening, no matter the function. Providing a repertoire of modern and classic hits, they tend to provide a fun and informal atmosphere for a whole host of events including dinner, drinks receptions or a small networking function.

Classical Guitarist

What is there to say about classical guitarists that hasn’t already been said (or assumed)? Well, for starters it’s not only western styles of music that are often booked; flamenco is extremely popular whilst many prefer a slightly different sound to what they ordinarily listen to as it promotes a sense of occasion for the evening.


Now you may be thinking that a magician wouldn’t fit in at all at your intimate soiree but they can be extremely effective for engaging a room and have been proven to be great for informal networking events. For dinner parties, there are some brilliantly parlour magicians that can sit with you at the tables.

As ever with these things, it’s all about finding the right entertainment for you.

Restaurant events

Restaurant Entertainment can be quite tricky as it has to create the right ambience. If you want to hire a band or musician, be aware that the music can’t be too loud or your customers will not be able to speak amongst each other, and that might be awkward. Make sure your entertainment fits into your venue as you wouldn’t want to hire a big 6 piece live jazz band, only to squeeze them into a corner. So it is better to ask how much space they need and then work it into your restaurant layout.

1. Magicians – Magicians are great restaurant entertainment as they can meet and greet your guests. The magician can also walk around and do some table magic which your customers would thoroughly enjoy. It also means they would not have to move about much and can enjoy the magical party entertainment from the comfort of their own table with their family and friends.

2. Live Band- Whether your band range from a 2 piece to an 8 piece, hired live bands are a great source of entertainment. Your customers will love listening to some smooth jazz, or even some modern hits played live in the background. Having a live band may also keep your customers at the restaurant after they have had their dinner. Offer them a seat at the bar, where they can order more drinks and
listen to the band, even dance to the band if they wish.

3. Solo musicians. Give your restaurant that classical elegant and sophisticated feeling by having a solo musician play beautiful music in the corner of the restaurant. You could choose from a solo saxophonist, a solo classical guitarist or the beautiful sounds of the piano. All would suit any restaurant as this style of music is pleasing to most people.

4. Dancers – Dancers can really bring your restaurant to life with the vibrant colours, the fast paced music and of course the exciting dance moves. Have your dancers situated outside the restaurant building to make your customers experience start from when they literally walk in the door. Plus, think of the exposure you will get from the public taking photos with your restaurant logo behind.

If you choose Restaurant Entertainment you will most definitely see your customers happier and even your staff happier. It will bring a new lease of life into your restaurant and should attract some new customers. So give restaurant entertainment a go, you never know what it could do for your business.

Living statues

In the late 19th century and early 20th century, living statues became ever more widely known thanks to the emergence of the art form known as tableaux vivants; a group of actors would pose and be lit in a particular way so as to appear like paintings. The resulting performance was often shot on camera (which meant the performers had to stand still in their chosen pose) or performed on stage to the amazement of spectators. Cleverly, by tagging these performances as art, nude actors and actresses were able to perform erotic entertainment on stage, flouting theatre censorship laws. As long as the girls didn’t move, it was deemed okay by the masses. The most notable instance of this was under the stewardship of the famous Mrs. Henderson at the Windmill Theatre in London in the 1930s and 40s

Many love the way they stand in situ for hours, whilst others loathe their art as a tourist trap in the busier parts of cities up and down the UK. But where did living statues begin? Where did living statues come from?

Put simply the history of the living statue – at least where it all began – is lost to time. Arguably the first living statue can be traced back to the ancient Greeks where members of the public would pose for famous sculptors looking to mould their marble. Realistically though, the living statue as we currently know it first appeared in the 19th century as a circus performance. PT Barnum displayed living statues as part of his circus tours, a peculiar curiosity to the minds of those in the 1840s.

Since that time, living statues have featured prominently in both art and film – The Phantom of the Opera and Hot Fuzz are two recent films that have shown living statues on screen, whilst revered duo Gilbert & George utilised living statues as part of their gallery installations in the 1960s. Moving from inside to out, street performances too have flourished in the intervening years as various living statues appeared near famous landmarks all over Europe. Though varying in quality from person to person, they are a magnet for tourists, only moving when money is placed in front of their plinth.

If no money is thrown in front of the living statue, either because they are unimpressive as a statue
or their costume doesn’t resonate with those walking by, the performer doesn’t get paid that day. With numbers still proliferating throughout London and the UK, it’s clear that the living statues are still well loved and make the perfect addition to your corporate event or private party. Despite their presence on the local high street, nobody will be expecting them in your back garden!

Events for 2018

High Impact Stage Shows
Gather your guests for bespoke shows that dazzle your guests with skill and spectacle from start to finish.

Aerial artists create intricate patterns above the stage, fusing circus skills and ballet in a show that’s beautiful and breathtaking. Add in 3D projection, and you have something quite astounding; aerial acrobatics in an ever-changing landscape of light that responds to their moves with split-second precision.

– Dazzle your guests with your own custom-made light show, showcasing a whole variety of high tech acts, from the intricate patterns of LED light shows to the primeval appear of jets of flame and sparks of fire and glow performers.

– Project the ever-shifting creations of iPad artists, sand artists or silhouette artists, accompanied by acts that literally shine, such as the unique Swarovski Violinists, who play electric gold violins encrusted with jewels. Or combine lasers and violins with our Laser Violin Show, choreographing lasers, smoke hazes and even audience interaction.

– There’s no doubt about it, tech is here to stay and is looking to proliferate across the industry. We’ve already seen it in some instances; those attending various conferences have been given a barcode with their name imprinted on it upon entry and any stall whom you choose to engage with will almost certainly scan the code to add your information to their database. It’s quick and easy and these technologies are set to continue if the recent CES conference in the US is anything to go by.

Pretty much every item you use in your home is being connected to the internet in some form, so you can rest assured that before too long, there’ll be numerous new ways to interact at events. As for the entertainment, well last year there was a rise in drone use during performances – including one that garnered a lot of praise on Britain’s Got Talent.

– It makes sense that with the economic outlook uncertain, individuals and companies would get creative in order to receive the most bang for their buck. Whether this means creating their own act to best symbolise their business rather than hiring entertainment on the fly, or theming a party to make sure that it is as memorable as possible, creativity is the order of the day!

– Costumed Characters and various acts that be personalised to attendees. One final thing, don’t go for a tired theme – try and think of something you haven’t heard before and we guarantee that the event planners involved will be just as excited as you about your party!

Glam Corporate Events

The Oscars are a perfect occasion for a party, as the award show provides you with all the theme you’ll need. Why not put together such a great opportunity to party with your friends!

The Ceremony
Now, we bet you’re wondering how you can fit all of this into one party? Set up the show outside or rent a large venue big enough for all your party’s needs. Don’t forget to pass around a ballot for the awards. Whoever guesses the most winners can get–that’s right–an Oscar fun idea: create drinking games around multiple nominees. Every time they win, take a drink!

This prestigious event is a wonderfully elegant night, so make sure you take all these factors into consideration when you’re planning your party. You may not be attending the Oscars, but that doesn’t mean you can’t feel like a winner!

The Glitz
You definitely need a red carpet, the paparazzi, the atmosphere of celebrity? Decorate your party with all the accoutrements of fame. We suggest a gold and black design, punctuated with red highlights. Hire caterers and party suppliers to treat your guests like stars. The point is to create the right environment, so your guests will feel as special and pampered as the yearly nominees!

The Glamour
Really, it’s the dresses. The Oscars have become known for the beautiful and strange outfits gracing the red carpet. Challenge your guests to either show up in one of the fame gowns or just wear their most elegant ensemble. It isn’t every day we get to get decked out in our best, so encourage your friends to go all out!

The Entertainment
Your party needs music! Hire a DJ or a Party Band to play nominated songs during commercials. If you really want to get into the fun, hire a stand-up comedian to entertain throughout and, at the end, to give out awards for Best Dressed! Maybe hire a few performers to mingle with guests to really add to the celebrity vibe.

Valentine’s day entertainment

Whether you’re planning a private party where you get to play Cupid or perhaps a romantic offering for those already coupled up, Valentine’s Day can be a great party theme and here are some brilliant ideas (and one novelty one) to get you thinking and keep the fun flowing throughout the night.

If you missed out on valentines this year, why not think about planning something amazing for next. Like it or not, and if you’re single then it’s probably a day you loathe, Valentine’s Day will be on again next year and numerous love hearts adorn the shelves at pretty much every shop you walk into.

Chocolate fountains are brilliant for corporate or private parties as the melted chocolate just keeps coming and an assortment of fruit and marshmallows are always available to dip into the goodness. And when you’re done with that, why not wash it all down with some carefully selected wines, learning about what to look for in a good bottle of plonk? Your partner or future partner is sure to be impressed!

Colour Profiler, Numerologist and Graphologist
Let’s say you’re flying solo at a Valentine’s Day party and thinking to yourself that maybe you should update your dating profiles as you swipe over yet another questionable person on Tinder. A colour profiler and numerologist can help narrow down exactly who you’re after by telling you a little about you! Determining your aura and discovering which numbers are important to you could well help you out en route to a satisfying relationship. A graphologist is also able to be booked; often used in criminal cases, a graphologist also has a capacity for romance – they might even be able to tell you who else at the party has handwriting that suggests a perfect match with you!

An Amazing Party Band!
Come on! If you’re wallowing in the corner watching a couple dance a slow waltz around the room, then it’s time to get on up for the next song because the music is set to rock! Hiring a party band for your party is an absolute must and we have a whole host of amazing bands perfect for weddings and parties who know how to combine the romantic ballads with something a little heavier for those just wanting a good dance. No party is complete without one.